About Us
Since it was established in 2004, Colour Coatings Lanka (PVT) Ltd has grown to be one of Sri Lanka’s for most importers of speciality chemicals and succeeded in expanding its market with most of the growing industries.
The founder and visionary behind this accelerated growth and steady success is Saliya Udapitiya – Managing Director , with over 20years ‘ of experience under his belt. He has gained market survey and innate understanding of the business at the helm of the purchase operations in a large cooperate company producing chemical base products. His comprehensive knowledge of chemicals ,their application and the process related problems ,give him the unique positions of not only understanding but also predicting customer requirements and hence ability to decipher their needs and solve their problems . This knowledge combined with a profound awareness of the chemicals market and its working has translated into the true test of any successful business –a matchless growth rate.
All the chemicals imported by us are of unquestionable quality and come from some of the world‘s finest and largest producers. The reason why multinationals, major nationals and smaller companies alike, prefer to do the business with us the name they have come to rely on authentic material and ready to availability of the entire chemical they require. s.

Our Team

Saliya Udapitiya

Indra Udapitiya

Lasantha Udapitiya

Our Mission & Vision
Our Mission
Provide the best possible services to customers. Ensure the clear and timely disclosure of information. Therefore Colour Coatings lanka Establish a culture that encourages employees to set their own goals and take on new challenges. Build harmony with local communities and contribute to society & the environment with our products.
Our Vision
To be identified as representative of Best Global Brands of Speciality Chemicals in Sri Lanka. We , Colour Coatings lanka create opportunities for success through trusted and reliable partnerships.